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Latest Newsletter
Key Dates Wednesday 15th January *See attached poster explaining TENDER RESET Parent Workshop with TENDER RESET – an introduction to The RESET Project 9:00am – 10:00am Tuesday 28th January - Year 5 Ginsburg Class trip to Wimbledon Synagogue Wednesday 29th January - Year 5 – Jemison Class trip to Wimbledon Synagogue Friday 31st January - Year 5 – Truth Class trip to Wimbledon Synagogue Week beginning 3rd February - Children’s Mental Week Thursday 6th February - Mental Health Parent Workshop 3:30pm – 4:15pm Friday 7th February - Children’s Mental Health Day Reception NCMP screening
Attendance Trophy Winners This Week This week, the attendance trophy winners of the week are; EYFS/KS1 – Rosen- 97.13% KS2- Jemison – 100% Well done!
A reminder that the deadline for applying for a reception place is January 15th, 2025. If you have not made an application, please click on the link below Apply for a primary school place: step by step | Croydon Council
All children at Chestnut Park are entitled to a free school meal. If you do send your child in with a packed lunch, here are some healthy ideas. Check the Link for a full list:
Message from Mrs Rumbol Firstly, Happy New Year and welcome back to a new school term. Despite the freezing temperatures, it has been wonderful to be back at school and see the children so enthusiastic about their new learning. This term promises to be a fruitful one with lots of exciting trips and events taking place for our children and parents. Please see the list of term dates that was sent out this week. Last term we had a surprise visit from some very special and generous people which got coverage in the local news. Click the links below (London World and Surrey World) to find out more! YouTuber surprises Surrey students with new footwear for winter YouTuber surprises Croydon students with new footwear for winter