SMSC & British Values
In 2014 the DfE reiterated their definition of British Values. This reinforced the need to create and enforce a clear expectation in all schools to promote fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
This is closely linked to the requirement to provide spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all of our pupils. At Chestnut Park School these values are embedded regularly through daily experiences and interactions with staff, parents and pupils and through as many curriculum areas as possible.
Democracy - understanding of how citizens can influence decision making through the democratic process.
- Pupil council with representatives from all classes in the school
- Pupil questionnaires and pupil voice to share views
- Circle time to develop skills in listening to others
- Embedding the language of choices and consequences; Rights and responsibilities
- Monitor roles
- A whole school focus on respecting 'Rights'
- Visits from local police and people who help us
- Governance visits
The rule of law- an appreciation that living under the role of the law protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety.
- School values, school rules, class rules
- Behaviour management and Anti-bullying policy
- Embedding the language of choices and consequences; Rights and Responsibilities- whole school THRIVE focus
- Visits to school-police and people who help us
- Visits from the NSPCC and fund raising for the NSPCC
- Safeguarding Curriculum
- Safeguard Training for Parents- NSPCC and O2
Individual Liberty-freedom to choose and hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law.
- Weekly values assembly
- Embedding the language of choices and consequences; Rights and responsibilities
- Circle time and freedom to speak
- Positive relationships between all staff and children / staff and staff / children and children
- Safeguarding Curriculum
- Celebrating and embracing individual differences, cultural diversity through activities,
events and the curriculum. We particularly enjoyed our International tea Party with the local community and all our families.
Mutual respect- an acceptance that other people have different faiths or beliefs to oneself (acceptance and tolerance).
- An understanding of the importance of identifying and combatting discrimination
- School STRONG values and aims
- Behaviour management and Anti-bullying policy
- Whole school Core curriculum driver of 'diversity' and the 'STRONG' value focus ensures children develop a respect and tolerance for the many faiths and beliefs within our local community and the wider world.
- Respect for services and institution in Britain- link to People who help us in EYFS, 'How can we change the world' in Year One and 'Travel' in Year Two.
Follow the link to find out how we teach, promote and support both SMSC and British Values at Chestnut Park Primary School.