GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

6 Stormzy              6 Littlefeather                6 Akala

Stormzy class               Littlefeather class                      Akala class

Year 6 class names were voted for by the children and were chosen from famous people that have had an impact on racial equality.

Sacheen Littlefeather was born into a Native Indian American family. She was a famous actress and was nominated for an Oscar. She spent the rest of her days raising awareness of Native American culture, delivering speeches about it, and raising an awareness of her culture. In 1973 she went to the Oscars dressed as a Native American which caused awareness of her race and culture.

Akala is a British rapper, author, and activist known for blending music with social commentary on race, class, and history. He has written the critically acclaimed book "Natives" and frequently speaks on issues of inequality and education.

Stormzy is an inspirational promoter of racial equality. He is has been able to: Use His platform for Advocacy;  Support Students by launching the ‘Stormzy Scholarship” at the University of Cambridge; create different opportunities for ethnic minorities through his community centres. 


We are excited to share the outlines and celebrations for learning we have done through GLF Wider Curriculum.   Please see the questions we have been learning about so far. 

6 Aut 1 outline

6 Aut 1 Celebration

6 Aut 2 Outline

6 Out 2 Celebration

6 Spring 1 outline

Year 6

Y6 sp2 outline