Ofsted 2024 - Chestnut Park maintains Outstanding Standards
Chestnut Park maintains Outstanding Standards
We are delighted that Ofsted inspectors found that we have “taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection”, when the school was judged to be ‘Outstanding’.
The report states how “Pupils enjoy coming to this school, where they are well cared for and achieve well”, and recognises how important our community is to us, highlighting how “The school includes pupils’ families in the school community, for example through events such as a summer carnival to celebrate pupils' backgrounds through shared music, dance and food. Leaders provide coffee mornings where many parents share their views and hear about important issues including pupils' safety in the local area and online.”
Inspectors recognised that "The school is ambitious for pupils' achievement" and praised how "Leaders provide an ambitious curriculum to meet pupils' needs". They highlight how gaps in children’s knowledge are quickly identified and addressed, and as a result pupils typically learn the curriculum well. The inspection report emphasises that “Focused training ensures that teachers have secure subject knowledge… Teachers present information clearly, helping pupils to understand new ideas and link them to recent learning.”
We are particularly pleased that inspectors recognised that reading is a priority at our school. “Phonics is taught systematically with a strong focus on identifying quickly any pupils at the early stages of reading who need extra help. Leaders check thoroughly that pupils can read each sound securely and blend them together before moving on to new content. As a result, pupils learn to read with fluency and accuracy.”
We work closely with the GLF Schools’ Foundation and are particularly pleased that inspectors noted that “The school develops pupils’ talents and interests through a wide range of enrichment activities including yoga, dance, Spanish club and board games club. Pupils enjoy and are motivated by opportunities including performing at the Royal Albert Hall with the choir, and producing, then recording, their own music as part of the school’s rap club.”
We are delighted that the report cites how “Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain. Leaders teach pupils about how to stay safe and healthy, including how to notice their feelings and look after their mental health. For example, pupils are taught about how social media could affect their mental health and about how to manage anxiety.”
Inspectors recognised that “Staff teach pupils about the school’s high expectations for their behaviour and attitudes. In the early years, children settle quickly and learn to take turns and share well. Older pupils treat one another with kindness and respect. They are focused, attentive and try hard in the classroom.” We are proud of our pupils, who “behave well and learn free from disruption”.
Executive Headteacher Rachel Jacob and Head of School Sarah Rumbol commented, “We are exceptionally proud of the whole school and the achievements that have been recognised during the inspection, particularly the positive attitudes our children show towards learning every day and the partnership with our parents, carers and wider community.”
To read the full Ofsted Report and our letter to parents, please click on the links below.