Inclusion & SEND
Inclusion is at the heart of our school, we celebrate that all children are different and are indeed unique. As the school continues to grow we will endeavour to always provide a positive and nurturing environment whereby our children feel able
to build upon their strengths and their areas for development.
- SENDCO - Mrs Kathryn Coyne
Contact through the school office - 0203 750 6090
We aim to ensure that each child is fully included in all aspects of school life and meet any areas of specific needs. These may encompass:
- Children with Special Educational Needs. (Please see our SEND Policy and Information Report.
Click here for the Local Offer within Croydon) - Children with Medical Needs (Please see our Medical Needs Policy and First Aid Procedures)
- Children with English as an Additional Language (Please see our EAL Policy)
- Children requiring pastoral support (We will be developing as a THRIVE school)
At Chestnut Park Primary School we believe in creating a language rich environment that respects the range of languages and cultures of our local community. We believe that by providing the correct support for children with English as an Additional Language (EAL) and, where possible, nurturing their mother tongue, are essential. We understand that the quicker the child’s needs are identified, the sooner the child’s learning is built upon and confidence grows.
We aim:
- to ensure that the language and learning needs of individual pupils are clearly identified and provided for.
- to enable pupils to gain full access to the Curriculum and develop strategies to overcome any obstacles that might prevent pupils from achieving their full potential.
We will achieve this by:
- assessing any new child’s needs, plan and set targets for the individual. We can do this with the support from Thrive and our trained Thrive practitioners:
- Visit The Thrive Approach website
- depending on the individual needs of pupils they will receive both curriculum support in class and additional support in small groups as appropriate for language development and enrichment.
In class support includes:
- a language rich environment
- year group language screener in Reception and for new entrants
- ELKLAN questioning and ELKLAN language resources
- visual and ICT support
- displays and resources in the classroom and around the school to celebrate difference.
Our teachers will keep parents regularly informed about pupil’s progress. Parents are invited to share achievements through letters home, certificates and rewards during assembly.
Our SENCO & Inclusion Lead has a SENCO accreditation which includes elements of EAL Inclusion Support. In addition, our Inclusion Lead and ELKLAN TA have completed the ELKLAN Communication Friendly ten day course. As part of Continual Professional Development (CPD) for staff we will continue to develop the school as a language rich and communication friendly environment. Several members of staff are trained in providing additional language support.
Promoting local community languages and cultures is a key feature in our school. We encourage parents to be involved in building upon our children’s knowledge of and respect for all represented community groups.
This is achieved in a different ways such as, sharing their experiences of different festivals and events, contributing in assemblies and preparing displays.
We always value the opportunity to work with our families and the local community.
Watch our social story on returning to school, March 2021.
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Inclusion & SEND